Send Hard Copy Color Documents to Email Addresses
Ricoh has made it simple to send documents directly to a recipient’s email address in color to anywhere in the
world and without incurring the charge of a fax transmission. Now you can send critical color documents such
as photos, brochures, maps, business charts, floor plans, or any documents you can imagine up to 11" x 17" in
size and up to 600 dpi resolution.
Color Scan to Email
Send any colorized document
directly to the recipient’s email
address. Just simply enter
the address via the FAX5510NF’s
keyboard. Press start and the
document is on its way. It's as
easy as sending a fax.
Send to Individuals
On the Go Speed up communications to
those who travel by sending
directly to their email address
instead of a hotel fax. This
ensures confidentiality of the
information being sent.
Scan Conveniently
Send a document to your PC
for archival. This convenient
scanning capability enables
you to use the image in another
document and reduce the
number of hard copy documents.
Reduce Fax Communication Costs
The FAX5510NF provides advanced Internet Fax capabilities that allow you to send documents to both a PC and
another Internet Fax at the same time. Ricoh has now incorporated the latest T.38 Internet Fax technology that
provides real-time faxing over the Internet.
No Charge for
Internet Communication Internet Faxing allows you to
send documents around the
world—to any email address, PC
or Internet Fax without incurring
any long distance or international
phone charges. Documents sent to
another Internet Fax will print out
upon reception.
(Real-Time Faxing Via The Internet)
IP-Faxing allows communication
between a network of FAX5510NF
or ITU compatible devices, without
the use of an Email Server. The
sender just enters the IP address
of the receiving IP-Fax System.
(Complies with ITU-T Rec. T.38)
Communication is super-fast
and a report is received back
confirming reception.